The tourist on holiday or away from home is relaxed, and in an uninhibited environment away from social restrictions that they might live by at home – being off guard means a higher risk of having an accident!
Beware of the risks on roads – driving ‘on the other side’, new signs, unfamiliar winding roads, badly maintained roads and different standards in car and moped safety.
Always check a vehicle before renting – especially the brakes, seatbelts, insurance and emergency numbers.
Always swim with others, keep check on tides, currents and strong winds
Allow at least one hour after eating before swimming and never fall asleep on an airbed in the sea!
Check swimming pool depths before diving
Always look for emergency exits and check balconies and first aid arrangements on arriving at your chosen accommodation.
If you try a new sport check that there is adequate instruction, well kept equipment and you are at a good level of personal fitness.
Note: This information is designed to complement and not replace the relationship that exists with your existing family doctor or travel health professional. Please discuss your travel health requirements with your regular family doctor or practice nurse.