What is Tularaemia Disease?
Tularaemia (Tularemia) is an infectious disease. Humans can become infected following a bite from an infected tick or animal contact. The bacteria enters the body through an area of broken skin however, it can also be breathed in through the nose or mouth.
The symptoms include a high fever, generalised aching and swollen glands. The symptoms of Tularaemia can last over a period of a few weeks although it is not possible to catch the disease from other infected humans.
Who is at risk of the disease?
When visiting areas where the disease is endemic (that is: the infection is present in low levels) there is a risk. There have been recent outbreaks in all states in the USA, with the exception of Hawaii, and Netherlands. Hunters and those trecking through land where infection exists in animals and ticks are also at risk.
How Tularaemia be Prevented – also know as Tularemia?
Currently there is no vaccine available in the UK to prevent tularaemia. Travellers should be careful to ensure their surroundings are kept clean, so as not to encourage rats and other potential carriers. Any water should be boiled if used for personal consumption or food preparation. Any food should be protected from animals and cooked thoroughly. Dead animals should not be handled.
A good insect repellent to prevent tick bites should be used. Ticks should be carefully removed using tweezers.
Note: This information is designed to complement and not replace the relationship that exists with your existing family doctor or travel health professional. Please discuss your travel health requirements with your regular family doctor or practice nurse.